Hi My up-to-date Wordpress website running with mariadb 10.3 on CentOS8 (up to date) has been running for a long time without any issues. Suddenly, yesterday, my server became unreachable and did not respond to anything. Only power off/on helped to get it to respond again, but the website is down. I did not update the server in the last 2 weeks. No changes whatsoever. The logs show the mariadb server is restarting and crashing continuously. I switched off the mariadb.service to avoid any possible further issues, as I run a mailserver on the same machine (which runs just fine now). Please look at my post in the CentOS forum: https://forums.centos.org/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=74436&p=313469#p313469 The people there are great experts in CentOS, but probably no experts in mariadb in the same way as you are, and I really would like to get my site up again ASAP. Thanks a lot for reading this post and helping me out on this! /Ralf