On Sun, 17 May 2020 16:00:29 +0200 Ralf Hartings <ralf@hartings.se> wrote:
My up-to-date Wordpress website running with mariadb 10.3 on CentOS8 (up to date) has been running for a long time without any issues. Suddenly, yesterday, my server became unreachable and did not respond to anything. Only power off/on helped to get it to respond again, but the website is down. I did not update the server in the last 2 weeks. No changes whatsoever.
The logs show the mariadb server is restarting and crashing continuously.
Grab the complete crash from journalctl and report this as a bug on https://jira.mariadb.org It says this is coming from an abort, so its most likely a server fault. Include log information from the server startup too. Include configuration settings you have in .cnf files.