Hi Serg, Svoj! I am looking into an issue where accessing oqgraph/connect engines from galera server leads to errors like "Unknown option '<table option>'" and segfaults. The issue being the differences in handlerton structure in galera and non-galera server codes. Since the connect/oqgraph packages are built from non-galera server, when they are loaded into galera server, the engine's handlerton gets improperly initialized. https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-8240 I can think of the following potential solutions : a) Club connect/oqgraph and mariadb-galera-server into a single package. (this would mean adding new dependencies to mariadb-galera-server) b) New packages for connect/oqgraph out of mariadb-galera build (mariadb-connect-engine-galera-10.0, mariadb-oqgraph-engine-galera-10.0) Do you see any other option? Also, we should add some checks for plugin load to fail in first place in such scenarios. Best, Nirbhay