[Maria-docs] docs request: METADATA_LOCK_INFO

First: is the list a good place for a documentation request? This is about metadata_lock_info plugin: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/metadata-lock-info/ I hope I'll see documentation about the possible values of LOCK_MODE and LOCK_TYPE columns. The latter column may seem ovious, but it is not: when are such locks acquired/released, what kind of operations are put on hold? Regards, Federico

Sorry, I meant to link this page in my prev mail https://mariadb.com/kb/en/information-schema-metadata_lock_info-table/ Federico

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Federico Razzoli <federico_raz@yahoo.it> wrote:
First: is the list a good place for a documentation request?
It can be, but if you're looking for information on how a feature works, the maria-discuss or maria-developers lists are probably better places to ask. Thanks! -- Daniel Bartholomew MariaDB
participants (2)
Daniel Bartholomew
Federico Razzoli