--- Sab 3/12/11, Daniel Bartholomew <dbart@montyprogram.com> ha scritto:

Da: Daniel Bartholomew <dbart@montyprogram.com>
Oggetto: Re: [Maria-docs] R: TODO Tracking
A: "Shaun McCance" <shaunm@gnome.org>
Cc: "Federico Razzoli" <federico_raz@yahoo.it>, "Maria Docs" <maria-docs@lists.launchpad.net>
Data: Sabato 3 dicembre 2011, 05:17

On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 13:03:51 -0500
Shaun McCance <shaunm@gnome.org> wrote:

Shaun> I think I agree with you in general, but if there's going to be
Shaun> a JIRA instance soon we can use, setting up a different issue
Shaun> tracker seems like a lot of wasted work. We'll just end up with
Shaun> a perpetually dead tracker that will gather Google juice and
Shaun> distract contributors.


I agree too; if you are going to move to a new bug tracker, KB tasks should not be added to the old one.

This is a good idea. As per a previous email, I've taken the
contribution information from the about page and moved it to a separate

I'm going to translate the page into italian, except for the taks section (duplication is bad, and people need to read/write in english to contribute). Is it OK?
