"Daniel" == Daniel Bartholomew <dbart@askmonty.org> writes:
Daniel> Community Team, Daniel> I'm sending this email to you since this is a wiki page which is not Daniel> pure documentation and it's a page I feel the community team should have Daniel> the final say on, content-wise. I'm also CC'ing the docs team, since Daniel> that's what I do. :) Daniel> Anyway, one of the pages on the wiki that needs some serious updating is Daniel> the MariaDB versus MySQL page: Daniel> http://askmonty.org/wiki/MariaDB_versus_MySQL Daniel> As it currently exists it is an (outdated) version of a Release Notes Daniel> page (with some extra stuff). Is that what we want for this page? No, this is not what we want. Daniel> If so we (or I) will need to come up with a better process whereby it Daniel> always gets updated for each new release. At the very least, the page Daniel> outline needs an overhaul. Daniel> A second option would be to make this page more generic and/or Daniel> not-release-specific which would make it easier to keep up-to-date Daniel> since it wouldn't necessarily need to be updated for each release. That was the idea from the start for this page. In the beginning we had only one release so the original approach was the right way to do it. Now it's time for version 2). Daniel> If we go the more generic route, what type of information should be on Daniel> the page? This page is a good place to talk about philosophical Daniel> differences between the two camps. Yes, we should definitely have this there. Danial> We could also do something like have Daniel> a table of differences between MariaDB and MySQL. I'm thinking of Daniel> something like this: Daniel> Storage Engines MariaDB MySQL Daniel> FederatedX Y N Daniel> OQGRAPH Y N Daniel> PBXT Y N Daniel> XtraDB/InnoDB Y Y Daniel> MyISAM Y Y Daniel> and so on... Daniel> ...expanded of course to include all sorts of information, not just Daniel> storage engines. As MariaDB has everything as MySQL (until Oracle has closed source features) I think it's enough if we on this page list list all the major features that we have in MariaDB (newest release) that doesn't exist in MySQL. Daniel> There is also a third option: We could nuke it from orbit. It's a Daniel> drastic solution, but if anyone feels we should do this, let me know. We should never 'nuke' a page to which there is a LOT of links on the Internet. (I wouldn't be surprised if this is our most linked-to page). Regards, Monty