All, I've begun the prep work for the MariaDB 10.0.3 alpha release. The packages are uploaded and the mirrors should pick them up soon (if they haven't already). The draft changelog and release notes are here: - https://kb.askmonty.org/en/mariadb-1003-release-notes/ - https://kb.askmonty.org/en/mariadb-1003-changelog/ Please let me know ASAP if there's anything that needs to be mentioned/highlighted/removed/etc... Assuming all goes well, the plan is to activate the release tomorrow (11 Jun 2013) at around 10am US Eastern Time. Thanks. -- Daniel Bartholomew Google+ - http://gplus.to/dbart Twitter - http://twitter.com/daniel_bart MariaDB: An Enhanced Drop-in Replacement for MySQL Website - http://mariadb.org Twitter - http://twitter.com/mariadb Google+ - http://google.com/+mariadb Facebook - http://fb.com/MariaDB.dbms Knowledgebase - http://kb.askmonty.org