Thanks for testing and reporting this. I'll fix it shortly, but feel free to change something on the Knowledge Base yourself in future, as anyone can register and edit if they spot something missing, a mistake, or want to help with translations. ian On 19/03/2015 00:22, deoren wrote:
I've been learning SQL off/on for a while and have recently begun using MariaDB. While looking over the documentation, I found this page:
and noticed that it mentions the the limit for table comments is 60 characters. That surprised me, since I had recently learned that was the limit before MySQL 5.5.3. I didn't find mention of what the field comment length restrictions were.
Here are the comment length restrictions as I understand them:
Field comments
* 255 before before MySQL 5.5.3 * 1024 after MySQL 5.5.3
Table comments
* 60 characters before MySQL 5.5.3 * 2048 characters after MySQL 5.5.3
I took a basic test SQL file and ran it on these versions of MySQL and MariaDB (Windows):
* MariaDB 5.5.42 * MariaDB 10.0.17 * MySQL 5.5.42 (community edition) * MySQL 5.6.23 (community edition)
and ended up with a test table and test field with max comment lengths of 2048 and 1024 characters respectively. Does the community maintain the KB article referenced earlier or does a member of the MariaDB team? Should I submit this as a bug report or is there a more appropriate action?