On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 16:57:53 +0000 FeedBurner Email Subscriptions <plumcreek@gmail.com> wrote: FeedBurner> Hello there, FeedBurner> FeedBurner> You recently requested an email subscription to Doc updates FeedBurner> to sphinxsearch on Google Code. We can't wait to send the FeedBurner> updates you want via email, so please click the following FeedBurner> link to activate your subscription immediately: FeedBurner> FeedBurner> http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailconfirm?k=MVnwceI7Xvob3xyhjhgJiPbPaAM FeedBurner> FeedBurner> (If the link above does not appear clickable or does not FeedBurner> open a browser window when you click it, copy it and paste FeedBurner> it into your web browser's Location bar.) FeedBurner> All, I set this up so that the list will be notified of any updates to the Sphinx docs. I'm experimenting to see if this is a good way to be notified of updates to storage engine documentation. I chose sphinx for the experiment since there was an easy way to get an rss feed of updates to the docs/ dir in their source tree. -- Daniel Bartholomew Monty Program - http://askmonty.org