Hi, I've been learning SQL off/on for a while and have recently begun using MariaDB. While looking over the documentation, I found this page: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/create-table/ and noticed that it mentions the the limit for table comments is 60 characters. That surprised me, since I had recently learned that was the limit before MySQL 5.5.3. I didn't find mention of what the field comment length restrictions were. Here are the comment length restrictions as I understand them: Field comments * 255 before before MySQL 5.5.3 * 1024 after MySQL 5.5.3 Table comments * 60 characters before MySQL 5.5.3 * 2048 characters after MySQL 5.5.3 I took a basic test SQL file and ran it on these versions of MySQL and MariaDB (Windows): * MariaDB 5.5.42 * MariaDB 10.0.17 * MySQL 5.5.42 (community edition) * MySQL 5.6.23 (community edition) and ended up with a test table and test field with max comment lengths of 2048 and 1024 characters respectively. Does the community maintain the KB article referenced earlier or does a member of the MariaDB team? Should I submit this as a bug report or is there a more appropriate action? Thanks.