I've reported a bug, so it should be fixed soon, I assume.

Thank you, 
that will be really nice enhancement.


Michal Schorm
Associate Software Engineer
Core Services - Databases Team
Red Hat

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 7:19 PM, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:
Hi, Michal!

On Aug 21, Michal Schorm wrote:
> Hello,
> On this page: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/security/
> I can find CVEs that affect MariaDB server and releases they were fixed in.
> Other useful page is this one:
> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/security-vulnerabilities-in-oracle-mysql-that-did-not-exist-in-mariadb/
> --
> I'd like to ask you to also list CVEs applicable for connectors and
> versions of connectors (CONC, CONJ, ODBC) they were fixed in, since there
> is not direct relationship between:
>  1) server nad CONC
>  2) ODBC and CONC
> Server is (or atleast should be) built on top of released version of
> the CONC, not the latest Git content.

Yes, absolutely. We're not quite there yet, but moving there.

> Atleast downstreams starts to use this scheme (separate server and
> client library - the CONC), so they depend only on the released
> versions of the CONC.
> For example CVE-2018-3081 should be fixed in CONC 3.0.5, however since
> nor git commit, nor CONC release notes says it explicitly, I can only
> guess.

You're right, it is fixed in CONC 3.0.5, I've updated release noted.

It's not shown on the https://mariadb.com/kb/en/security/ page yet
because that page is generated from release notes, automatically picking
up the correct server version, and this code doesn't support Connector/C
yet. I've reported a bug, so it should be fixed soon, I assume.

Chief Architect MariaDB
and security@mariadb.org