On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 00:45:16 +0400 Sergey Petrunya <psergey@askmonty.org> wrote: Sergey> Hi Daniel, Hi! Sergey> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 09:51:44AM -0400, Daniel Bartholomew Sergey> wrote: Daniel> We're getting closer to the first beta release of MariaDB 5.3 Daniel> and several of the new features have been documented in the Daniel> Knowledgebase and linked to from this page: Daniel> Daniel> http://kb.askmonty.org/en/what-is-mariadb-53 Daniel> Daniel> What I don't know is if there are any features which have Daniel> either: Daniel> Daniel> 1. not been documented in the Knowledgebase at all, Sergey> I've found several missing things and added them. I've also Sergey> split the list into groups by function. Thank you very much! The page organization is much better thanks to your changes. Daniel> If you have worked on 5.3, please review the above page to Daniel> make sure the items you worked on are present and fully Daniel> documented. If they aren't please document them in the Daniel> Knowledgebase and add them to the above page (or send me Daniel> enough information about them so that I can document them). Daniel> If they are present, but inadequately documented, please add Daniel> what is missing or let me know what is missing. Don't worry Daniel> about your documentation being perfect, I will clean it up. Daniel> If you need any help, please contact me via email or on IRC. Sergey> There is lots of optimizer stuff without adequate Sergey> documentation. Here, optimizer team should provide info. Yes. I see that Timour just added some info and I hope others join in too. Sergey> Some of it is already out there. For instance, could you check Sergey> out these slides Sergey> http://s.petrunia.net/scratch/new-qep-features-in-mariadb-fosdem2011.odp Sergey> http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2011/public/schedule/detail/19899 Sergey> http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2011/public/schedule/detail/20238 Sergey> and see if they have enough info to document Sergey> index_merge/sort-intersect and "Fair choice between index_merge Sergey> and range"? BR Yes, I'll take a look and try to write up some articles based on them. Thanks again! -- Daniel Bartholomew MariaDB - http://mariadb.org Monty Program - http://montyprogram.com AskMonty Knowledgebase - http://kb.askmonty.org