[Maria-discuss] debug.csr error?

python createRItbl.py Debug.csr Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/dpawson/Dropbox/2022/sibc/software/mariadb/createRItbl.py",
Using create table. error shown line 82, in <module> showcsr(csr) File "/home/dpawson/Dropbox/2022/sibc/software/mariadb/createRItbl.py", line 40, in showcsr for item in csr: File "/home/dpawson/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mysql/connector/cursor_cext.py", line 718, in fetchone return self._fetch_row() File "/home/dpawson/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mysql/connector/cursor_cext.py", line 689, in _fetch_row row = self._rows[self._next_row] TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable Called from Python. Table= f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rinkincome (\ matchdate DATE ,\ session ENUM('rollup','league','club match') ,\ code ENUM {costcodes} ,\ cashOrCard ENUM('card','cash'),\ amount DECIMAL(5,2) );" where costcodes=('a','b') form. # print Table out to check syntax #print(Table) #sys.exit(0) csr.execute(Table) showcsr(csr) Nothing shown to indicate which list / structure I'm trying to iterate over? Any suggestions to chase down the fault please. Pretty new to mariadb. regards -- Dave Pawson XSLT XSL-FO FAQ. Docbook FAQ.
participants (1)
Dave Pawson