Re: [Maria-discuss] on stored procedures

Hi Sergei! I was wondering the same! Justin's explanation is probably correct, but I think that various discussions in this list proven that a part of the community badly wants this feature. I wrote a unit tester in SQL some time ago (I know it may sound weird, but I needed it to test several things, from procedures to query time, and even metrics). It was insanely hard. I mean - I think I can write a unit tester in JavaScript or PHP or even BASH in a few hours, with all the features I want. But SQL is full of traps, so it took weeks (of course it was not my only task). Some of the features that have been discussed in this list could have been implemented as stored procedures. For example, extensions to KILL. It may not be the perfect solution but, well, it is not reasonable to expect that you implement every single need/idea I have during my work. If I could write general purpose stored procedures in any decent language, I would do it, and then would push them to GitHub. It seems that some people agree on this but... still nothing happens. Even PL/SQL parser seems to have higher priority than external languages! :( Is there anything we can do to convince the team? Bye, Federico -------------------------------------------- Lun 7/11/16, Sergei Golubchik <> ha scritto: Oggetto: Re: [Maria-discuss] on stored procedures A: "Justin Swanhart" <> Cc: "Federico Razzoli" <>, "Maria Discuss" <> Data: Lunedì 7 novembre 2016, 22:42 Hi, Justin! On Nov 07, Justin Swanhart wrote:
We discussed it here and it seemed vary popular. WL-820.
On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Sergei Golubchik <> wrote:
Hi, Federico!
On Nov 07, Federico Razzoli wrote:
Some good points from Bill Karwin:
These are
valid points, and some of them are related.
For example, "does not have a rich library of functions or standard
procedures" that follows from "does not support packages".
Which might be fixed in
External languages for stored procedures - that's a very cool feature, and patches exist for many years. But, apparently, it's more cool than practically useful? There were almost no requests for it, not when I was
in MySQL, not in MariaDB. And, frankly, I do not know why,
I know, right? A cool and useful feature, I'd say. I cannot understand why it's constantly being pushed down for the last 10 years. I still hope we get it someday. this looks
insanely useful to me.
Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and
participants (1)
Federico Razzoli