Re: [Maria-discuss] MariaDB,TokuDB and FusionIO

Hi Christophe, This is Dhananjoy Das (Joy) from SanDisk (formally Fusion-io inc.,) contributor to the NVM Compression. In regards to your query on access to NVMFS, yes currently its supported on Atomics Series of ioMemory cards(PX/SX), I would suggest its best to get in touch with the SanDisk Sales team (formally Fusion-io inc.,) and request for the LA NVMFS 1.0 (Limited Edition). Additionally, NVM Compression (changes are part of InnoDB/XtraDB) is independent of the TokuDB DB-engine. Hope that help, feel free to reach out. Thanks, Dhananjoy Das (Joy) Sr. Architect, SanDisk Corporation From: Christophe Le Roux <<>> Subject: [Maria-discuss] MariaDB,TokuDB and FusionIO Date: 26 September 2014 19:05:49 GMT+8 To: "<>" <<>> Hello, After reading the previous discussion about Fusion IO with Torben Mathiasen contribution, I have some questions. I understand that the nvmfs is developed by FusionIO and is closed source. Can we have this module (I think it's a kernel module , right ?) if we buy a new FusionIO card (Only with Atomic Series?)? Is this module ok with "old" FusionIO card (iodrive2) ? About AtomicWrites and the NVM compression, can these features be added to the TukuDB engine ? Can the TokuDB compression and the NVM compression be working together or if we enable one, we need to disable the other ? Cordialement,<> [cid:C1D6FBD4-E7DA-4EF6-A28E-00B0FF3DA706]<> [cid:7968F977-345B-49BE-B90E-B0E5C25851A5]<> [cid:3F049FCF-C7CF-42AA-B1BF-9AABDFA7AF7A]<!/Claranet_FR> [cid:88A700FC-5D51-471E-8AF6-E8F2220BA02D]<> [cid:4F716A83-5DA5-4C6B-AF45-AED5D649A6B9]<> This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may be privileged. Any unauthorized use, copying, disclosure or dissemination of this communication is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies of the message and its attachments.

Hi Joy, Thank you for your answer. Tomorrow I will meet our FusionIO presales engineer, I will ask him about that. Cordialement,<> [Claranet]<> [Linkedin]<> [Twitter]<!/Claranet_FR> [Youtube]<> [Gartner MQ]<> De : Maria-discuss [] De la part de Dhananjoy Das Envoyé : mardi 30 septembre 2014 03:34 À : Objet : Re: [Maria-discuss] MariaDB,TokuDB and FusionIO Hi Christophe, This is Dhananjoy Das (Joy) from SanDisk (formally Fusion-io inc.,) contributor to the NVM Compression. In regards to your query on access to NVMFS, yes currently its supported on Atomics Series of ioMemory cards(PX/SX), I would suggest its best to get in touch with the SanDisk Sales team (formally Fusion-io inc.,) and request for the LA NVMFS 1.0 (Limited Edition). Additionally, NVM Compression (changes are part of InnoDB/XtraDB) is independent of the TokuDB DB-engine. Hope that help, feel free to reach out. Thanks, Dhananjoy Das (Joy) Sr. Architect, SanDisk Corporation From: Christophe Le Roux <<>> Subject: [Maria-discuss] MariaDB,TokuDB and FusionIO Date: 26 September 2014 19:05:49 GMT+8 To: "<>" <<>> Hello, After reading the previous discussion about Fusion IO with Torben Mathiasen contribution, I have some questions. I understand that the nvmfs is developed by FusionIO and is closed source. Can we have this module (I think it's a kernel module , right ?) if we buy a new FusionIO card (Only with Atomic Series?)? Is this module ok with "old" FusionIO card (iodrive2) ? About AtomicWrites and the NVM compression, can these features be added to the TukuDB engine ? Can the TokuDB compression and the NVM compression be working together or if we enable one, we need to disable the other ? Cordialement,<> [cid:image006.png@01CFDC96.35AC4080]<> [cid:image007.png@01CFDC96.35AC4080]<> [cid:image008.png@01CFDC96.35AC4080]<!/Claranet_FR> [cid:image009.png@01CFDC96.35AC4080]<> [cid:image010.png@01CFDC96.35AC4080]<> This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may be privileged. Any unauthorized use, copying, disclosure or dissemination of this communication is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies of the message and its attachments.
participants (2)
Christophe Le Roux
Dhananjoy Das