Deleted database still present on replica
Hello, If this is not the right place for this question, please feel free to redirect... I am running MariaDB version 10.5.23 in a master/replica configuration with 4 replicas. I recently experienced a failure that required me to restore the DBs on all of my DB systems from backup, including all of my replicas. Somehow in the course of this process I have some databases on my some of my replicas that have been deleted on the master. What is the best way to remove these without confusing or breaking the replication process? Thanks. -Dave -- Dave Hall Binghamton University
Dave Hall via discuss <> writes:
I am running MariaDB version 10.5.23 in a master/replica configuration with 4 replicas. I recently experienced a failure that required me to restore the DBs on all of my DB systems from backup, including all of my replicas.
Somehow in the course of this process I have some databases on my some of my replicas that have been deleted on the master.
What is the best way to remove these without confusing or breaking the replication process?
Set the sql_log_bin variable to 0 when dropping the databases on the slaves, so that that statement does not get binlogged on the slave: SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR DROP DATABASE xxx; This way, the DROP statements will not cause GTIDs in the slave's binlogs that do not exist on the master. - Kristian.
participants (2)
Dave Hall
Kristian Nielsen