[Maria-discuss] Galera 23.2.7 mariadb 5.5.33a msvc 1600 binaries available

Binaries have been uploaded for both x86 and amd64 platforms. due to github file size limitations , the directories have been uploaded unarchived. for Win33 binaries , please checkout https://github.com/YannNayn/galera-mariadb-win32.git and for Win64(amd64) binaries (being uploaded/pushed): https://github.com/YannNayn/galera-mariadb-win64.git they are not recommended for a production environment. in the my.cnf file: _________ wsrep_provider=galera_smm.dll wsrep_sst_method=msqldump # percona xtrabackup will be tested soon _________ libevent and openssl(the provided binaries use respectively 2.1.3-alpha and 1.1.0-dev versions ) will be added next on github some limitations are stated on openssl website copied here for convenience: ____________ from http://www.openssl.org/ ____________ This software package uses strong cryptography, so even if it is created, maintained and distributed from liberal countries in Europe (where it is legal to do this), it falls under certain export/import and/or use restrictions in some other parts of the world. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT EXPORT/IMPORT AND/OR USE OF STRONG CRYPTOGRAPHY SOFTWARE, PROVIDING CRYPTOGRAPHY HOOKS OR EVEN JUST COMMUNICATING TECHNICAL DETAILS ABOUT CRYPTOGRAPHY SOFTWARE IS ILLEGAL IN SOME PARTS OF THE WORLD. SO, WHEN YOU IMPORT THIS PACKAGE TO YOUR COUNTRY, RE-DISTRIBUTE IT FROM THERE OR EVEN JUST EMAIL TECHNICAL SUGGESTIONS OR EVEN SOURCE PATCHES TO THE AUTHOR OR OTHER PEOPLE YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO ANY EXPORT/IMPORT AND/OR USE LAWS WHICH APPLY TO YOU. THE AUTHORS OF OPENSSL ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY VIOLATIONS YOU MAKE HERE. SO BE CAREFUL, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. ________________________________________________ msvc 1600 redistributables SP1 need to be installed/available on the target machine: vcredist_x86.exe : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8328 vcredist_x64.exe : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13523 MSys binaries are provided and msqld.bat should then be used instead of mysqld.exe (e.g. mysld.bat --console --wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm:// ) in order to have a working sh shell(cygwin has been proved to do it as well) Please note that oqgraph is disabled (boost trunk is used , that is 1.55) Comments and suggestions are welcome.

The binaries for both x86 and amd64 platforms have been uploaded unarchived due to GitHub file size limits, with Win32 and Win64 versions available on their respective repositories. For OpenSSL-related details, the official website outlines important export/import restrictions. Ensure compatibility by installing the necessary MSVC redistributables (SP1). Additionally, MSys binaries are provided for enhanced functionality using msqld.bat. Always verify these are suitable for your environment before deployment. https://therutificador.cl/rut-por-nombre/

I read your article from start to finish and decided that you are right, indeed x34 is better. http://tvappapk.com/
participants (3)
Yann Nayn