[Maria-discuss] MariaDB & MySQL community event 3rd of April 2014 in Santa Clara

Hi! I am happy to announce that the MariaDB Foundation is organising a MariaDB & MySQL community event in Santa Clara on Thursday the 3rd of April. The venue is the Hilton Santa Clara hotel, a short walk from the Percona Live 2014 event. You can find more information on my blog at: http://monty-says.blogspot.fi/2014/03/mariadb-mysql-community-event-2014-in.... We already got some very interesting talks and speakers, but I would like to see even more talk proposals. It's ok to propose a talk that it's also hold at Percona Live. As this event is free, I expect a totally different group of attendees, so that should be fine! When we have got a nice list of proposed talks, we will post them here so that everyone has a chance of commenting of which talks should be accepted. (Sorry, but this time we don't have time to create a proper selection committee so we have to do this a bit rough) Personally I will talk about MariaDB 10.0, which should be declared stable by then. Hope to see many MariaDB developers and users in Santa Clara! You can sign up for the event and/or dinner at: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/mariadb-mysql-community-event-2014-tickets-10801... Regards, Monty PS: Feel free to discuss the event on this email list! We want to have as many as possible participating in making this the best possible MariaDB and MySQL event.
participants (1)
Michael Widenius