Hello, A new question has been asked in "CONNECT" by mldudding. Please answer it at http://mariadb.com/kb/en/connect-db2-table-via-odbc-with-clob-or-text-dataty... as the person asking the question may not be subscribed to the mailing list. -------------------------------- I am attempting to connect a DB2 table using the following command line: create table TASKS engine=connect table_type=ODBC block_size=1000 tabname='ISW.TASKS' connection='DSN=DB2_ODBC;UID=user;PWD=password;MODE=SHARE;DBALIAS=SCODS;'; and I receive the following error: ERROR 1105 (HY000): Unsupported SQL type -99 My belief is that because CONNECT is retrieving the table description using ODBC catalog functions and since the DB2 table contains a column that has a datatype of CLOB that Mariadb is throwing the above error. When I attempt to specify the column definitions for the DB2 table, and define the column as TEXT or BLOB, I receive the following error: SQL Error (1163): Storage engine CONNECT doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns. Is there a way to CONNECT a DB2 table via ODBC or Direct Connection to a table that contains CLOB or Text defined columns? I do not have any issue connecting other tables from the DB2 database that do not contain CLOB datatypes. -------------------------------- To view or answer this question please visit: http://mariadb.com/kb/en/connect-db2-table-via-odbc-with-clob-or-text-dataty...