Hello, I take care of MariaDB in Fedora & RHEL. We run the testsuite there. Every time, in every build, with --big-test. Time to time it happens that some of the tests fail. For example during a rebuild. For such cases, I'd use a way to tell MTR what is a unstable test treshold, which means "how many tests can fail to still count the testsuite run as a success". Most likely, I'd use it with value from 1-5. Any larger group of failing tests needs to get my attention. Anyway I still could spare myself of the unstable tests. -- (Asking before filling any JIRA feature request) 1) Is there already some way to do that? 2) Do you find such feature usefull? 3) Any ideas how to call such option? --max-test-fail is already used -- Michal Schorm Associate Software Engineer Core Services - Databases Team Red Hat