https://launchpad.net/vpformysql/trunk/1.1-for-5.5.34-10.0.9/+download/vp-sr... now i saw 10.0.9 at 'last' name, i will try it :) news i post here 2014-09-23 14:54 GMT-03:00 Roberto Spadim <roberto@spadim.com.br>:
hi kentoku! i will try with mysql server but i got one question, why mariadb don't support VP? is something different that block using VP ?
2014-09-23 14:44 GMT-03:00 kentoku <kentokushiba@gmail.com>:
Hi Roberto,
Thank you for testing VP. I'll think about this feature.
Thanks, Kentoku
Hi! Well i'm checking vp isn't part of mariadb today :/ maybe we should
2014-09-21 18:10 GMT+09:00 Roberto Spadim <roberto@spadim.com.br>: port
it first and after jmplement new features, right?
Em domingo, 21 de setembro de 2014, Oleksandr Byelkin <sanja@montyprogram.com> escreveu:
On 21.09.14 05:06, Roberto Spadim wrote: [skip]
sounds crazy? :) ok i know that query cache have some problems with mutex, but it's another history we could have a better hit rate with this feature (at
when correctly used) check that query cache become inconsistent if we change data1 or data2 outside vp table
It is doable if put a lot of hooks of asking engine about tables.
There is already hooks now used in table invalidation. But it works slowly (relatively) because having no open table difficult to give engine full information and so each such hook will cause semi-open process and so if we have miss it looks like double opening overhead.
So, in price of total overhead we can make it, the question is if it help so much that gain will be more then overhead in average... As usual I have doubts about it (need a proof).
-- Roberto Spadim SPAEmpresarial Eng. Automação e Controle
-- Roberto Spadim SPAEmpresarial Eng. Automação e Controle
-- Roberto Spadim SPAEmpresarial Eng. Automação e Controle