Hello, A new question has been asked in "Backing Up and Restoring" by joemurray: -------------------------------- An XtraDB database running in MariaDB - no cluster, no replication - has been crashing about 15 x per day for 3 days and we suspect it may be corrupt. We don't see any reason in the log files for the crashes. We have taken a mysqldump and restored into a new db and run mysqlcheck on the new db and not fond any errors, but I suspect that the dumping and restoring has hidden them. After testing a staging site with this new database we are planning to repeat the process of dumping and restoring into a new db and then making it live. I intend to run mysqlcheck on the production database once it is no longer in production. Any other suggestions from DBAs to this developer? -------------------------------- To view or answer this question please visit: http://mariadb.com/kb/en/crash-recovery/