Hi all, first question: is there a document that describes the rules how MariaDB builds the fulltext index words? I set "innodb_ft_min_token_size=1" to include also one letter words in the index. But this does not seem to work for words like "D'Artagnan": the "d" letter is not found in "information_schema.INNODB_FT_INDEX_TABLE". It works for "D Artagnan". So I assume that single letters that are followed by a quote are ignored when building the index? You could also post the link to the source code file, but I don't know whether my C knowledge is sufficient ;-) Second question: the doc (https://mariadb.com/kb/en/information-schema-innodb_ft_index_table-table/) states that "information_schema.INNODB_FT_INDEX_TABLE.doc_id" matches to the id column of the original table: "DOC_ID: Document ID of the newly added row, either an appropriate ID column or an internal InnoDB value." But this did not happen for me - the doc_id values do not match my ID column. I tried the datatypes "int" and "bigint". Best regards Wolfgang