Hi all, I want to consolidate the databases on several servers onto a single server. And all this without or only minimal downtime. After reading an article[1] from the Percona folks I was thinking of using the multi-source replication feature of 10.0. But there are a few things I'm not sure about. Maybe someone can help me out. What MySQL/MariaDB versions are needed before and behind the MariaDB 10 server? My plan/idea/dream was the following: 1. Stop the server on a slave and start it with skip-slave and skip-networking. Write down replication data. 2. Dump the databases I want to move with "mysqldump <db-name>" 3. Load the dump into MariaDB 10.0 and configure replication. This is done for all the databases I want to put onto a single server. The rest should be business as usual. BTW: We use similar grants on all servers. So the MariaDB 10.0 will be setup with the same statements and I don't have to care about the "mysql"-database. Does this sound realistic? Or have I missed something? [1] http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2012/12/18/migrating-several-single-stan... Thanks a lot, Shorty