Hi, Just to follow-up. In short the problem was: we could no longer use mariabackup to backup the restored /var/lib/mysql Both mariabackup/SST and a manual mariabackup fail. Rsync/SST still works, and I was able restore the entire galera cluster with rsyc/SST. Zabbix works with the restored cluster, mysqldump also , only mariabackup still does NOT. Now, when I create and restore a mysqldump to the same mysql instance, THEN mariabackup (both as standalone and as SST) starts working again. I realise also that the above is a strange exception, because I tried fresh machines as well, and there everything works as expected, also with a mariabackup restored DB. I was under the impression that mariabackup was the best / quickest / most supported way to backup & restore mariadb. I start to doubt that now. And will continue doing mysqldumps, next to mariabackup backups.