2015-01-29 12:34 GMT-02:00 Tom Worster <fsb@thefsb.org>:
I have one final technical question. It is for my understanding and does not reflect a problem I have as a user.
The manual says:
The answer is: SQL is a statically-typed language. The SQL interpreter needs to know the datatypes of all expressions before the query is run (for example, when one is using prepared statements and runs "select COLUMN_GET(...)", the prepared statement API requires the server to inform the client about the datatype of the column being read before the query is executed and the server can see what datatype the column actually has).
This appears to say that the constraint is that the server needs to determine the type of each column in the data sent to the client. SQL such as:
SELECT x, y, COLUMN_GET(stuff, 'z') FROM t
can't work because the datatype of the 3rd column in "table" returned to the client can't be determined before reading data.
hum... no at 3rd column, you have a function returning a value, the function have a know data type, check this: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/udf-calling.html that's how user defined functions are implemented at mysql, think about dynamic column as many functions to handle a string and extract/include information about variables with defined data type for example... when you create a dynamic column with: -- MariaDB 5.3+:INSERT INTO tbl SET dyncol_blob=COLUMN_CREATE(1 /*column id*/, "value");-- MariaDB 10.0.1+:INSERT INTO tbl SET dyncol_blob=COLUMN_CREATE("column_name", "value"); check: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/dynamic-columns/#column_create you have a STRING as return of function COLUMN_CREATE() The return value is suitable for - - storing in a table - further modification with other dynamic columns functions at "value" parameter, COLUMN_CREATE know that we are using a STRING, but should be any other data type The *as type* part allows one to specify the value type. In most cases, this is redundant because MariaDB will be able to deduce the type of the value. Explicit type specification may be needed when the type of the value is not apparent. For example, a literal '2012-12-01' has a CHAR type by default, one will need to specify'2012-12-01' AS DATE to have it stored as a date. See the Datatypes <https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/dynamic-columns/#Datatypes> section for further details.
I think I can follow this explanation. But I have no use for SQL like that (the naked COLUMN_GET, i.e. a COLUMN_GET that has no context). I use COLUMN_JSON() to load data into memory. It's a better fit for the AR ORM I use.
I only need COLUMN_GET in the context of a larger expression, such as:
SELECT x, y FROM t WHERE COLUMN_GET(stuff, 'z') = 5
this is a example of why we need index =)
In this select, the datatypes for the returned data are clear before reading any data.
hummm in this example, the COLUMN_GET will check if stuff column have the 'z' key each row, and if it exists, it will get the value/data type, if it not exist it will return NULL and compare NULL = 5? check: COLUMN_GET COLUMN_GET(dyncol_blob, column_nr as type); COLUMN_GET(dyncol_blob, column_name as type); Get the value of a dynamic column by its name. If no column with the given name exists, NULL will be returned. *column_name as type* requires that one specify the datatype of the dynamic column they are reading. This may seem counter-intuitive: why would one need to specify which datatype they're retrieving? Can't the dynamic columns system figure the datatype from the data being stored? The answer is: SQL is a statically-typed language. The SQL interpreter needs to know the datatypes of all expressions before the query is run (for example, when one is using prepared statements and runs"select COLUMN_GET(...)", the prepared statement API requires the server to inform the client about the datatype of the column being read before the query is executed and the server can see what datatype the column actually has). See the Datatypes <https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/dynamic-columns/#datatypes> section for more information about datatypes. THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM FOR EXPRESSION INDEX! since COLUMN_GET could return STRING OR DECIMAL OR INTEGER OR .... we need only one data type to create the index, instead of many data type + many data, since today index at mysql/mariadb only accept one datatype for each index, for example if we only have COLUMN_GET() returning INTEGER, well let's create a INTEGER index... but if COLUMN_GET() return STRING AND/OR INTEGER, what should we do? create a STRING index? i think yes... but check that big STRINGs are a problem to index, we have a limit, today we can't create index over BLOBs columns
So why do I have to explicitly cast the dyncol 'z'?
well you dont need, but if you want good and deterministic results you should cast
Or what if there is no returned data at all:
COLUMN_GET should return NULL in this case, if WHERE part return true the row will be deleted
If the need to cast is to determine the type of data sent to the client,
yes and no... mysql use the data type internally too
that argument surely doesn't apply here. It really wouldn't apply to this either:
SELECT x, y, CONCAT('Hello. My name is ', COLUMN_GET(stuff, 'z')) FROM t
in this case if COLUMN_GET return INTEGER, CONCAT funciton will cast it to string
If I understand correctly (doubtful) and the cast is only necessary for the naked COLUMN_GET, then isn't the cast in the wrong place?
the cast if for COLUMN_GET return, each dynamic column could have different keys/values from others dynamic columns... think about a field where you create a table each row/column you use dynamic columns
The cast should be put after the COLUMN_GET function to remove the nakedness.
well, from what i understand COLUMN_GET cast as a parameter of COLUMN_GET funciton, is to predict what COLUMN_GET function should we use, think about a function like this: int function(parameter) string function(parameter) what function should be used in this cases? function()+0 <- the int function(parameter) function()+" " <- the string function(parameter) if you don't include the cast, the COLUMN_GET will return the data type based on dynamic column information
The server should throw an SQL error if it encounters a naked COLUMN_GET.
well.. i don't know, but if you want a error, the error should be generated by COLUMN_CREATE, but that's a problem... each row/column have a dynamic column value, the data type of one row don't need to be the same of another row, in a row/column you could use 'z' as integer, at another row/column you could use 'z' as string
In other words, COLUMN_GET can be used only as _part_of_ an expression.
COLUMN_GET is a function, use as a function =]