Windows ships with a (32 bit) ODBC driver for Paradox. There are several tools that may migrate from external ODBC sources to MySQL/MariaDB I of course recommend our own SQLYog. As far as I understand from discussions, (Oracle) MySQL Workbench will not work with MariaDB anymore (but I may be wrong here) .
(on Windows 10 - and possibly 8./8.1 as well - Control panel .. Administration has entries ("applets") for both 32 bit and 64 bit ODBC drivers. On Win7 64 bit it is a little tricky to configure a 32 bit driver as the option is pretty well hidden. The FAQ explains.
The "import external data" tool is available in SQLyog Enterprise and Ultimate (but not SQLyog Professional).
Disclaimer: I never tried to import from Paradox myself. But if you decide to give SQLyog a try and run into issues, just contact us at support@webyog com (or use our Forums). It should work and if it doesn't, we will fix it.
Attaching a screenshot of the 32 bit ODBC drivers in Win10 64 bit (Danish language interface - I hope that the language is not a "blocker").
-- Peter Laursen
-- Webyog