Our context file presently has the useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true in  it to handle select count(*) as Bignumber type scenarios.( select as as b from table )

We tried using the mariadb driver as we have started the journey to using mariadb.5.5 and had a meltdown in our app (dev only thanks).
I have done some research and it as i read it the mariadb code doesn't honour that parameter. 

I have done some research and one article stated With JDBC drivers version 4.0 and later you will eventually not get the aliasName

As i haven't fully digested the JDBC 4.0 spec, barely scratched the surface am I right to conclude Maria and MySQL drivers will not eventually support this behavior and what is the approach to this using aliases or the selact a as b type scenario. Just point me to the pages is fine 

Any assistance appreciated


Peter McLarty
Data Analyst DBA
Compare The Market

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