Hi, In <1411675039.18383.YahooMailBasic@web172105.mail.ir2.yahoo.com> "[Maria-discuss] where's mroonga?" on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 20:57:19 +0100, Federico Razzoli <federico_raz@yahoo.it> wrote:
Is Mroonga included in any MariaDB packet? If not: 1 is it in the source, and 2 any hints for compiling it?
Unfortunately Mroonga isn't included in MariaDB yet. :< It seems that MariaDB developers work on including Mroonga but I don't know the detail of the current status. See also: https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-5222 You can find MariaDB source that includes Mroonga at http://packages.groonga.org/source/mroonga/ It is provided by Mroonga project. The latest version is http://packages.groonga.org/source/mroonga/mariadb-10.0.13-with-mroonga-4.05... You can build the MariaDB source as the same as the normal MariaDB source. Then you need to run some SQL statements to register Mroonga to your MariaDB. You can find the SQL statements at ${MARIADB_INSTALL_DIR}/storage/mroonga/data/install.sql. Run the SQL statements like the following: % mysql -u root < {MARIADB_INSTALL_DIR}/storage/mroonga/data/install.sql See also: * http://mroonga.org/docs/install/others.html It describes how to build Mroonga with normal MySQL source or MariaDB source. I hope that this answer helps you. Thanks, -- kou