Hello all. I hope I'm at the right place to ask this question. I opened a bug here: https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-28969, however I was told to use this mailing list. We have 4 MariaDB servers in a Galera Cluster and it happens that a server has to be restarted (be it for a crash which I have to open a bug for) or maintenance. When that happens, the restarted server is causing huge slow down on the whole cluster, and it lasts for 10 to 30 minutes at the very least! And by huge, I mean huge, we end up with 500 to 800 pending queries on all servers as you can see on attached screenshots I've attached the configuration of any server for reference in case this is the source of the issue. Any way to solve this would be greatly appreciated. Regards, 3C.