Hi All,

I have a very strange problem which I am not able to debug any further, so I kindly ask here for any advise to find the root cause of this issue.

I run a master-slave replication setup, both servers run on Debian Bookworm with the packages from the distro (10.11.4-MariaDB-1~deb12u1-log). There are two tables in two databases with the same setup (same shop software) and both suffer from recurring index corruption on the slave side. While the master server works without any issues, the slave machine stops replicating from time to time with the error:

  Last_Errno: 1712
  Last_Error: Error 'Index s_order_details is corrupted' on query. Default database: 'foobar_shop'. 
      Query: 'DELETE FROM s_order_details WHERE orderID='40007''

After rebuilding the index by running "alter table foobar_shop.s_order_details engine=innodb" I can restart the slave and it works again.

What I did so far:
Rebuild the whole slave from fresh SQL Dumps (twice!)
Changed replication to "Using_Gtid: Slave_Pos"
Reduced slave parallel threads

Settings as different from debian defaults

binlog_format = mixed
expire_logs_days = 1
max_binlog_size = 256M

best regards


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