Hi! Hi! Wed, 12 Aug 2020, 06:26 Elliot Holden, <elliot@elliotmywebguy.com> wrote:
Hello All,
New to the list, so maybe an expert has the easy answer to this one...
When I use mysqldump to backup a MySQL 5.7.8 database then import that database into a MariaDB 10.4.8 database, at least one (maybe more) of the imported tables is missing rows. This a WordPress database and the table in question is the *wp_options* table. I'm only getting 29 rows imported when there should be over 600 (in the original MySQL database).
I am not aware of any bug where one would lose data when importing data from mysqldump (except if client character sets are different, which isn't in this case). Database character set shouldn't have an effect as the CREATE TABLE in the mysqldump output should specify the character sets for all columns for the used tables. You can of course try to change the character set of the database and see if it helps. If there would be any problems, you should get warnings/errors when trying to execute mysql < backup.sql. Any chance you could upload the dataset to our ftp server so that I can try to debug this? https://mariadb.com/kb/en/meta/mariadb-ftp-server/ I would like to have it even if changing the character set for the database would fix the problem, as I want to know why you didn't get a proper error message for the failure. If you send me an email when you have uploaded the data I will take a look at it and report my findings. Regards, Monty