Thanks Pantelis

You're right that ON and OFF are switched around. I'll double check the version that this changed - the 5.5 version of the MySQL docs at also say that this was changed in 5.5.7 (so it was probably changed in both MySQL 5.5.7 and 5.6.6), but I'll check the MariaDB diffs to be sure.

Sending to this list is fine, although there's also a docs-specific list:


On 08/05/2015 01:50, Pantelis Theodosiou wrote:
I was looking for the default setting of this variable and the MariaDB documentation has:

> Default Value: OFF (>= MariaDB/MySQL 5.5.7), ON (MariaDB/MySQL 5.5.0 to 5.5.6)

while MySQL documentation has (I think correctly):

Permitted Values (<= 5.6.5)
boolean Default OFF

Permitted Values (>= 5.6.6)
Type boolean  Default ON

So, I see two issues:
- first, the changing version is 5.6.6 (not 5.5.7), at least in MySQL, and
- second, the values OFF / ON in the Maria documentation are reversed.

Apologies if this is not the correct list to raise the issue.

Pantelis Theodosiou