Hello, It looks normal because mysqldump loads data into memory. as long as you dont exceed values for buffer pool, open files limit and open tables limit the data and/or handlers will be cached. BTW, if you run mysqldump in a locking way it could affect your application. Le mar. 14 nov. 2023 à 11:33, Marc <Marc@f1-outsourcing.eu> a écrit :
I am currently also running the mysqld_exporter
what I notice is that, the backup mysql_dump is the only event that seems to cause 'load', and then:
- mysql intern memory overview seems to increase at the backup time, but does not seem to be released.
- mysql open files seems to increase at the backup time, but does not seem to be released.
- mysql open tables seems to increase at the backup time, but does not seem to be released.
- mysql open table definitions seems to increase at the backup time, but does not seem to be released.
Should not at least something go down after the backup/mysql_dump event?
PS I did not verify anything of the grafana dashboard I am using