Hi, pslawek83! On Feb 17, pslawek83 wrote:
Hi Guys, any comments on this issue? It seems that partial unique indexes can't be used in joins. https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-5663
Please, show EXPLAIN EXTENDED (and SHOW WARNINGS after it) for this query of yours.
* Why the server is treating same indexes differently depends on if they're UNIQUE or not
It doesn't, there're almost no differences between UNIQUE and non-unique indexes from the optimizer point of view. Optimizer knows that for a unique index there can be at most one matching row (if all index parts are known and are NOT NULL), for non-unique indexes there can be more. That's basically the only difference.
* That's probably not optimizer issue, as we can't FORCE the index
You cannot force the index if it is not applicable at all.
* What's internal difference between unique and non-unique index (eg. memory / file representation / data structure)
* What each index type is suitable for, considering query optimization (as there's no data i was able to find on topic)
Aria only supports BTREE indexes anyway. Regards, Sergei