[accidentally replied only to sender, pasting reply here to all] Hi, So how exactly would you go about returning a row type? You get four choices with UDF: STRING_RESULT INT_RESULT REAL_RESULT DECIMAL_RESULT (which is handled just like strings, because decimal was a string when UDF interface was baked) You can't change the UDF specification. It is not versioned :) On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 12:46 PM, Oleksandr Byelkin <sanja@montyprogram.com> wrote:
On 10.03.15 19:38, Justin Swanhart wrote:
MySQL has no ARRAY data type. In array is basicaly a nested table data type and MySQL doesn't support nested tables either, except through dynamic columns. So, a UDF that returned an array could only be used by other UDF that understand arrays. That isn't very useful.
Strictly speaking server support row type (also kind of array). It can be used in comparison operations and returned/used in a subquery.