Michael Widenius <monty@askmonty.org> writes:
for the alpha so I suggested Sergei today that we should enable it for the beta period of MariaDB 10.0
(10.*1* beta, I guess?)
As most MariaDB users should know, the feedback is totally anonymous and no private or sensitive information is being sent.
Any comments, suggestions or recommendations?
I think it is a bad idea. Please do not do it. "Phone-home" is a misfeature in any product, and even more so in system software like a database. And besides, the information is much less useful than you think, because of unknown, but probably extreme, data skew. In fact, it will probably be more harmful than useful because people will use bad data to justify bad decisions. Experience supports this point of view with our download numbers. They do not include apt-get / yum / etc. installations, which judging from IRC conversations are the majority. Yet people continuely refer to them as though they mean anything, just because they are there. - Kristian.