ok it with a innodb/transactional table what about a aria/myisam/connect/federated table? 2014-06-12 0:45 GMT-03:00 Pavel Ivanov <pivanof@google.com>:
On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Roberto Spadim <roberto@spadim.com.br> wrote:
Guys, i'm with a "newbie" question I need to swap a primary key value, for example: create table test ( id int not null default 0, other varchar(255) not null default '', primary key(id) ); insert into test (1,'a'); insert into test (2,'b');
now i want that (2,'b') becomes (1,'b') and (1,'a') becomes (2,'a')
the point is, how to do this, with only one UPDATE without duplicate
column > id value? and without delete values?
How about this:
begin; update test set other = 'b' where id = 1; update test set other = 'a' where id = 2; end;
-- Roberto Spadim SPAEmpresarial Eng. Automação e Controle