Hi, cyusedfzfb, This is a MariaDB mailing list and mysql_native_password is not yet deprecated in MariaDB and is not planned for removal. Generally, according to our Feature Deprecation Policy: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-feature-deprecation-policy/ if a feature is marked deprecated it cannot be removed in less than 5 years. For widely used features (and mysql_native_password definitely qualifies) it's likely 10 years or more. But, again, mysql_native_password is not deprecated, so its countdown timer didn't start yet. On Oct 04, cyusedfzfb via discuss wrote:
Just a quick question: we understand that mysql_native_password authentication plugin has become deprecated, and yes: we are in the process of moving to caching_sha2_password.
We read everywhere that mysql_native_password is "subject to removal in a future version of MySQL"
Can anyone say how soon that removal is going to be?
(as for now it seems just a change of the default authentication mechanism, and I cannot find a date/year/version for *actual* removal)
(and yes I did google) :-)
Regards, Sergei Chief Architect, MariaDB Server and security@mariadb.org