Hi, Federico! On Mar 03, Federico Razzoli wrote:
Reading 10.0.3 release notes:
I see that IF EXISTS, IF NOT EXISTS and OR REPLACE are now almost consistent. "Almost" means that... OR REPLACE still doesn't apply to stored procedures, functions, triggers, events.
Support for events is already pushed (albeit after 10.1.3). Support for triggers will be pushed any day now (already reviewed and approved, so there's no more work left on it). I suppose that stored procedures and functions will follow soon. This was a GSoC 2014 project that added support for these clauses to *all* objects. It's just being pushed piecewise, object by object.
Recently, during a public session, a PostgreSQL user asked me if MariaDB supports stored procedures - in his opinion, MySQL doesn't, no matter what the manual says. Unfortunately my answer was that MariaDB support for stored procedure is the same as MySQL ("so the answer is no", he said).
I don't understand what exactly missing feature that user had in mind. It couldn't have been "CREATE OR REPLACE", this seems so minor. Or was it? Regards, Sergei