Forgot the main point - isn't the MariaDB "fix" for this bug: tc_heuristic_recover = COMMIT ? On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 10:53 PM Gordan Bobic <gordan.bobic@gmail.com> wrote:
Interesting bug.
I have to ask though - if you aren't running with sync_binlog=1, if the server crashes, you will have to re-initialize all of the downstream replicas from a consistent backup. That's annoying when your database is 100GB. It is something to be avoided at all cost if your database is 20TB. So if there's a flush missing, sure, that needs to be fixed. The point I'm making is that sync_binlog=1 should be considered as critical for data safety as innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1.
On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 10:36 PM Federico Razzoli via discuss <discuss@lists.mariadb.org> wrote:
Recently Laurynas commented this bug and he brought it up on social media: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=75519
I was surprised to read thar, from his comments, this 5.6 bug is still in MySQL 8.0.
Did anyone test whether it is in MariaDB too? If so, which versions?
Thanks, Federico
-- Federico Razzoli Vettabase Ltd director & founder, Database Consultant https://vettabase.com federico.razzoli@vettabase.com +44 7739 427279 Telegram: federico_razzoli Skype: fede.razzoli
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