Hi Justin, I am getting MySQL server has gone away. I think there is an issue with how the MySQL Ruby driver establish connection to MySQL. I have been noticing that when there is inactivity in the application, MySQL would just fade away silently. I am going to monitor this again and see what is the root cause of this. Kind regards, Joshua -- http://twitter.com/scrum8 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Justin Swanhart <greenlion@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Joshua,
Is your database server crashing or are you getting a 'MySQL server has gone away' error message after some inactivity period in your application?
To determine if your database is crashing, check the error log. You can determine if your database is actually restarting by checking the 'uptime' value in 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS', or by using \s in the mysql command line client.
If you are getting the error message but your server is not actually restarting then there are helpful hints in the MySQL manual: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/gone-away.html
Likely you need to either increase wait_timeout or decrease your recycle time in your connection pool.