Hello all, We have a postfixadmin+mariadb sql database we have been using for many, many years (well, only recently migrated from mysql to mariadb, and it was totally transparent, so thanks for that!). This system is rock solid, and we have no desire to change it. We are in the process of setting up SOGo groupware, amd have run into a stumbling block. Not a show stopper, but it definitely put a heavy burden on me, as the SysAdmin. SOGo can Active Directory just fine for testing Group Memberships for purposes of applying ACLs (for shared calendars, contacts, etc)... We intentionally do not use SSO - we enforce very strong email passwords, but allow much weaker AD computer passwords - so email AUTH happens with our SQL DB. The problem is, SOGo does not have support for using 'Groups' for ACLs when using SQL for the AUTH backend. It also does not (yet) have support for different AUTH and USER DB backends. So, as things stand now, I'm going to have to manually add every single individual userid to every single resource they will need to have access too, rather than just doing this with groups. So, my first questions is, has anyone every come up with a decent schema that provides for managing user groups in the same way as AD groups that scales reasonably well? I'm very dangerous when it comes to this stuff, so can't even attempt this myself, but I have some options available to help get this done, especially if I can get some help/advice with getting started. One thing I do know is the SOGo guy had to create a 'View' to use, so whatever we end up using will have to work inside a View (probably displaying my ignorance to the world with that comment - is pretty much everything in an SQL DB compatible with 'Views'?)... I'd dearly appreciate any help anyone is willing to give... Thanks, Charles