On Saturday 01 April 2023 at 22:57:46, Keith Edmunds wrote:
"row_number" is a pre-defined function name and therefore cannot be used unquoted as a column name.
It could in 10.5 when I believe row_number was also a function.
I've confirmed on a 10.5.18 instance I have here that row_number *can* be used as a column name, however I don't believe it was an available window function.
This is a change 10.5 → 10.11
See https://mariadb.com/kb/en/window-functions/ and select the box down on the left-hand side "MariaDB starting with 10.5.0" - you'll find that row_number is no longer highlighted, indicating to me that it was not an available function in that version of MariaDB. Antony. -- What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question? Please reply to the list; please *don't* CC me.