
Sorry for delay, but I found that the answer could not be postponed.

28 марта 2011, в 16:19, Michael Widenius написал(а):


I am cc:ing maria-discuss as you accidently forgot to also email the
patch there.

"Oleksandr" == Oleksandr Byelkin <sanja@askmonty.org> writes:

Oleksandr> Hi!
Oleksandr> Here it is dynamic columns library. I do not think that you will have time to review it completely, but please look at it.

Oleksandr> Some notes:

Oleksandr> - I changed indices from int to uint + some other minor changes in prototypes.

Oleksandr> - dynamic_column_exists() has no way to report error (what to do?)

I assume that same problem exists for all the other functions.

Two options:
- Change function type from my_bool to int where -1 means something
 went bad (like bad format for the blob).
- Add an 'error' argument to all functions that is set to <> 0 if
 something goes wrong.

OK, then imho better to have something like this:
#define ER_DYNCOL_EOM  -1
#define ER_DYNCOL_FORMAT  -2


+my_bool dynamic_column_init_str(DYNAMIC_COLUMN *str, size_t size)
+  if (!size)
+  /*
+    Make string with no fields (empty header)
+    - First \0 is flags
+    - other four \0 is 0 fileds counter
+  */
+  if (init_dynamic_string(str, NULL,
+                              size + 5, DYNCOL_SYZERESERVE))
+    return TRUE;
+  return dynstr_append_mem(str, "\0\0\0\0\0", 5);

Why is an empty data 5 bytes instead of 1 or even 0?

We have fixed size part of headers - flags and number of columns.


+  for (i= 0; i < column_count - 1; i++)
+    if (columns_order[i][0] == columns_order[i+1][0])
+      goto err;
+  str->str[0]|= (offset_size - 1); // size of offset
+  int4store(str->str + 1, non_null_count); // columns number

Lets limit the number of columns to 65536 (2 bytes)

Don't understand why we store non_null_count in header
Don't we need to store total number of columns ?

No. We need number of columns stored in the string and we do not store NULLs.  we even decided that NULL mean removing the column.

I think we should store also null's in the dynamic columns as someone
may want to distinguish between a non existing columns and a column
with not a set value.

We could store this either as an extended type or as datetime with
size 0.

We discussed it and decided that NULL mean nothing (BTW it was your idea). In case of we need it we reserved offset of all 1 bits.


We also need functions:

Initialize the DYNAMIC_COLUMN. (Basicly just a call to

I think about it, but creation is that function.

+  /* rewrite header*/
+  str->str[0]|= (new_offset_size - 1); // size of offset
+  int4store(str->str + 1, column_count - 1); // columns number
+  for (i= 0, write= read= (uchar *)str->str + FIXED_HEADER_SIZE;
+       i < column_count;
+       i++, read+= entry_size, write+= new_entry_size)
+  {
+    size_t offs;
+    uint nm;
+    if (read == header_entry)
+    {
+#ifndef DBUG_OFF
+      nm= uint2korr(read);
+      type_and_offset_read(&tp, &offs, read + 2,
+                           offset_size);
+      DBUG_ASSERT(nm == column_nr);
+      DBUG_ASSERT(offs == deleted_entry_offset);
+      write-= new_entry_size; // do not move writer
+      continue; // skip removed field
+    }
+    nm= uint2korr(read),
+    type_and_offset_read(&tp, &offs, read + 2,
+                         offset_size);
+    if (offs > deleted_entry_offset)
+      offs-= length; // data stored after removed data
+    int2store(write, nm);
+    type_and_offset_store(write + 2, new_offset_size, tp, offs);
+  }

Please optimize that if new_offset_size == old_offset_size then
we should start from header_entry.

You should also make the above a function as update also needs to do this!

+  /* move data */
+  {
+    size_t first_chunk_len= (data - (uchar *)str->str) -
+      FIXED_HEADER_SIZE - header_size;
+    size_t second_chunk_len= new_data_size - first_chunk_len;
+    if (first_chunk_len)
+      memmove(str->str + FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + new_header_size,
+              str->str + FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + header_size,
+              first_chunk_len);
+    if (second_chunk_len)
+      memmove(str->str +
+              FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + new_header_size + first_chunk_len,
+              str->str +
+              FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + header_size + first_chunk_len + length,
+              second_chunk_len);
+  }
+  /* fix str length */
+  DBUG_ASSERT(str->length >=
+              FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + new_header_size + new_data_size);
+  str->length= FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + new_header_size + new_data_size;
+  return FALSE;
+my_bool dynamic_column_update(DYNAMIC_COLUMN *str, uint column_nr,
+                              DYNAMIC_COLUMN_VALUE *value)
+  size_t offset_size, new_offset_size, data_size, new_data_size,
+         add_data_size, entry_size, new_entry_size,
+         header_size, new_header_size, additional_size, next_offs,
+         data_ins_offset;
+  uint column_count, i;
+  uchar *read, *write;
+  my_bool added;
+  /* TODO: optimize update without deleting */
+  if (dynamic_column_delete(str, column_nr))
+    return TRUE;

The problem with doing delete + insert later is that the whole
function needs to be rewritten and you can't use any of the old code
(for columns that exists).

So I suggest you write this ASAP!

IMHO SQL layer is mor important now :)

+  if (value->type == DYN_COL_NULL)
+    return FALSE;

Should be stored.

It is strange that first you persuaded me to make as I did, then request to do it as I had wanted. Let me live it as is and change it if it will be need by somebody really. 

+  if (!str || str->length < FIXED_HEADER_SIZE ||
+      (str->str[0] & (~DYNCOL_FLG_KNOWN)))
+    return TRUE;

length of 0 should be regarded as ok.

Why? Any column that went through create functions will be at least size 5. If it is not true that string is malformed.


+  /* rewrite header */
+  next_offs= str->length - FIXED_HEADER_SIZE - new_header_size;
+  for (i= column_count,
+       read= (uchar *)str->str + FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + header_size - entry_size,
+       write= ((uchar *)str->str + FIXED_HEADER_SIZE +
+               (new_entry_size * column_count));
+       i > 0;
+       i--, read-= entry_size, write-= new_entry_size)
+  {
+    size_t offs;
+    uint nm;
+    nm= uint2korr(read);
+    type_and_offset_read(&tp, &offs, read + 2, offset_size);
+    if (!added && column_nr > nm)
+    {
+      /* place to put the new column */
+      int2store(write, column_nr);
+      type_and_offset_store(write + 2, new_offset_size,
+                            value->type,
+                            (data_ins_offset= next_offs - add_data_size));
+      /* move previous data */
+      memmove(str->str + FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + new_header_size,
+              str->str + FIXED_HEADER_SIZE + new_header_size + add_data_size,
+              next_offs - add_data_size);
+      added= TRUE;
+      write-= new_entry_size;
+    }
+    int2store(write, nm);
+    if (!added)
+      offs+= add_data_size;
+    type_and_offset_store(write + 2,  new_offset_size, tp, offs);
+    next_offs= offs;
+  }

We should just have one function to rewrite the headers!

To make life easer, maybe we should assume that header size change
operation is a very unlikely one and accept to do an extra memmove
when header offset changes?

This would allow us to have a simple function that just rewrites the
header (from a given point) and another that increases/decreases the
header size + all data ?

Why it should be rare? (We can't know balance of delete/update/insert)

Then all operations are basicly:

- If offset_pointer_size changes, fix data
- Add / remove things from header and data (with new offset size)
- Update header

The whole things above would then be very trivial:

- realloc str->length if it needs to grow
- If offset_pointer_size changes, fix data and update entry_pos
- Update data (and create new header entry last)
- memmove(entry, entry + entry_size, header_end - entry);
- Write data at entry
