I'm trying to migrate a TokuDB 7.5.2 server to MariaDB 5.5.44.

Since I can't stop the production server, I got a snapshot of the running instance. So MariaDB will have to recover.

Unfortunately i get an error when TokuDB recovery is running in version 5.5.44.

Previously I tried with MariaDB 5.5.41 which worked fine. But since I'm upgrading, I would like to use the latest version.

Mon Sep 28 03:53:37 2015 TokuFT recovery bw_begin_checkpoint at 158147092471 timestamp 1443133470008593 (bw_between)
Mon Sep 28 03:53:37 2015 TokuFT recovery turning around at begin checkpoint 158147092471 time 181293960
Mon Sep 28 03:53:37 2015 TokuFT recovery starts scanning forward to 158147993496 from 158147092471 left 901025 (fw_between)
/home/buildbot/buildbot/build/mariadb-5.5.44/storage/tokudb/ft-index/ft/serialize/ft-serialize.cc:275 deserialize_ft_versioned: Assertion `readsz >= translation_size_on_disk' failed (errno=2)
: No such file or directory
Backtrace: (Note: toku_do_assert=0x0x7f769b49cf30)
Engine status function not available
Memory usage:
Arena 0:
system bytes     =          0
in use bytes     =          0
Total (incl. mmap):
system bytes     =          0
in use bytes     =          0
max mmap regions =          0
max mmap bytes   =          0
150928  3:53:37 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.

Any ideas about how to fix this issue?