Hi, I finally have some updates regarding the internal compiler bug that Marko reported. I have submitted a bug request https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1788104 but it seems that the bug won't be fixed. Cheers, Vlad On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 8:40 AM Marko Mäkelä <marko.makela@mariadb.com> wrote:
Hi Kevin,
On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 3:45 AM Zheng Zhenyu <zheng.zhenyu@outlook.com> wrote:
Hi Marko,
First off, sorry for the delay of reply of your previous question, I was
on travel and I saw few people already replied so I didn't do it.
As for your suggestion, yes, it will be no problem, I think Vlad take
cares of the Docker images. The resource are donated to the community, and the community can do whatever is required.
Thank you. I have asked Vlad to diagnose this problem. I am not completely aware how the Buildbot integration works and who is responsible for what, but now I have a slightly better idea of it.
Gordan Bobic: I apologize for my brain-fart. Obviously we cannot simply abandon less widely used platforms for stable release branches. If we did that, GNU/Linux distributions could hit the same problems and could be unable to update their packages for some architectures. My personal preference would be to *additionally* have some bleeding-edge compilers and environments running on the continuous integration environment. -- Marko Mäkelä, Lead Developer InnoDB MariaDB Corporation
-- Vlad