On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 14:50:36 -0500, Daniel Bartholomew <dbart@askmonty.org> wrote: Daniel> All, Daniel> Daniel> I'm sending this to both Maria Developers and Maria Discuss to Daniel> make sure it gets to everyone, sorry for any duplicates. Daniel> Daniel> Just a heads up for everyone: I will be moving the askmonty.org Daniel> website from its current home to a new server this Thursday, 25 Daniel> Feb. Daniel> Daniel> If all goes according to plan, the website will remain up Daniel> during the move but will be read-only during the actual switch. Daniel> Daniel> askmonty.org is the only domain/website that will be impacted Daniel> by this move, websites on any other domain (such as Daniel> buildbot.askmonty.org) are not part of this move and will Daniel> continue to function normally. Daniel> Daniel> I will send a notice out on Thursday when I start the process, Daniel> and a final one once the move is complete and I've tested that Daniel> things are working properly. Here is the promised notice about this move. I'm going to start it momentarily and will send another notice when the move is finished. Thanks! -- Daniel Bartholomew Monty Program - http://askmonty.org