15 May
15 May
11:37 p.m.
I am able to access a Cassandra column family created with COMPACT storage directive from MariaDB (v10.0.10). However, it does not seem to recognize regular CFs created using CQL3. I am not sure whether I am missing some configuration step in the Cassandra storage engine or it still does not support regular CQL3 CFs. Has anyone able to make Cassandra SE work with regular CQL3 CFs? Mohammed Applications Architect, Glassbeam Inc, www.glassbeam.com<http://www.glassbeam.com/>, 5201 Great America Parkway, Suite 360, Santa Clara, CA 95054 p: +1.408.740.4610<tel:%2B1.408.740.4615>, m: +1.925.786.7521<tel:%2B1.650.804.5065>, f: +1.408.740.4601<tel:%2B1.408.740.4601>