OK! :-)

I'll summarize the points as I see them.

1) document what must be removed in advance if MySQL was installed with the distro CD/DVD and/or offficial repo's of the distro.
2) figure out the problem with KDE and take a decision if this will be fixed or not (I think it will be difficult)
3) expose packages installed in "rpm -qa" command
4) support activating/deactivating and starting/stopping service from YaST "Service Management" GUI.

(and please add TokuDB and InfiniDB soon. ยจ'playing around' with TokuDB was my primary motivation for all this)

-- Peter

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:
Hi, Daniel!

Perhaps we should put a note for every new platform that we add (was
CentOS 7, now it's openSUSE) that this is a new platform, just added,
a first release for it, so while binaries are same as everywhere and
stable, the packaging (conflicts, dependencies) is new and might have
some rough edges?

I've created MDEV-7211 for this issue to make sure it won't be


On Nov 25, Peter Laursen wrote:
> I *CERTAINLY* think this
> https://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/#mirror=23Media&version=10.0&distro_release=opensuse13-amd64&distro=openSUSE
> is
> premature taken this discussion into account!
> And I believe this "You will also be prompted about a conflict between
> openSUSE's own MariaDB 5.5 client package and the MariaDB client package"
> is wrong. It may be correct for 12.2 but 12.3 does not have the MariaDB 5.5
> client package. It had 10.0.13 (and I think also some client package from
> Oracle - probably for some compability reason.
> What about the conflicts on OpenSuSE 12.3 *1) with KDE and *2) with MariaDB
> 10.0.13 as installed from the distro DVD?
> -- Peter